Born In The Traffic

  1. Born In The Traffic - Full Mix Instrumental Buy 4:08
  2. Born In The Traffic - 90 Sec Instrumental Buy 1:35
  3. Born In The Traffic - 60 Seconds Instrumental Buy 1:05
  4. Born In The Traffic - 30 Seconds Instrumental Buy 0:37
  5. Born In The Traffic - 15 seconds Instrumental Buy 0:14
  6. Born In The Traffic - Sting Instrumental Buy 0:10
  7. Born In The Traffic - Full Mix Vocals Buy 4:04
  8. Born In The Traffic - 90 Sec Vocals Buy 1:35
  9. Born In The Traffic - 60 Seconds Vocals Buy 1:05
  10. Born In The Traffic - 30 Seconds Vocal Buy 0:37
  11. Born In The Traffic - 15 Seconds Vocals Buy 0:14